Intellectual property right infringement detection specializes in detection of websites suspected of intellectual property right infringing activities.
Since 2014, we have been conducting research and carrying out country-wide analyses in this area. This has enabled us to run intellectual property right infringement detection on a very large scale with unmatched precision.
The analyses we carry out are delivered to relevant public stake holders in a fully documented report, supported by follow-up meetings to ensure thorough understanding and subsequent impact. Each detected infringing website is analyzed in depth, allowing us to extract data covering a range of relevant categories such as infringement scale, scam level index, affected brands, technical data, infringer identification data, and data used for affiliation detection.
With a complete analysis in hand (including documentation compliant with authority standards),private stakeholders or law enforcement officers will be able to take legal action and achieve rapid suspension of IPR infringing websites and potentially use the evidence to pursue the infringing parties legally.
As this form of crime impacts companies as well as posing significant risk to consumers, is dedicated to detecting and unmasking infringers, their methods, and their detrimental impact on society.
We offer our services to public stakeholders and encourage collaboration with likeminded partners, so get in touch and help us fight IPR-related cybercrime. intends to publish findings and trends continuously to contribute to the overall public knowledge of these and related challenges.